Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Name change

You may have notcied that my name has changed, or maybe not.  However after much deliberation I have decided to change my name from 'Spotted Lime' to 'two turtle doves'.  The reason for the change you ask, well there are a few reasons but mainly I felt the name no longer respresented the syle of the items I am designing, making, etc.  I wanted a name that suited who I am, and although I originally thought that spotted lime did this, I am no longer happy with it, so change it was.

The idea behind two turtle doves is beautiful, feminine luxury; mixed with funky bits and pieces here and there.

I hope that you will enjoy the new look.  watch out for the new things to come.

Thank you for your support.

Charlotte xx


Aimee said...

love the new look charlotte. can't wait to see your new items :)

Cullis Family said...

Your new look is lovely Charlotte!